Sunday, May 19, 2013

Wasting Away

Damn, it's been a whole week since checking in. I traveled out to Wyoming and Denver and was pretty worthless throughout. Did one set of 60 pushups on both Monday and Tuesday, 300 on Wednesday, 200 on Thursday, 60 on Friday, 50 on Saturday, and 25 today. Looks like 755 to me. That's how many home runs Hank Aaron hit. Cool. I ran 2.34 miles on Monday and 3 miles on Thursday. This was a pretty horrible time to go on a huge bender because my PT test is tomorrow but this one is basically pass/fail and doesn't really play a role in determining anything. We'll see how it goes.

Last night I wasn't even that drunk but started wrestling with my stick buddy and smashed my eye on the corner of a couch. Afterwards, I got real drunk. Sigh.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to do 500 pushups and get to 500 every other day until the end of the month. It just must be done.

Pushups: Week-755 YTD-24304
Pullups: Week-0 YTD-414
Running: Week-5.43mi YTD-301.46mi

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Some people call it a bender you can call it tapering up to the PT test. Good chatting today.